No 36 occupies the corner
site between Trinity Street on the left and East Street.
Its addtrss used to be given as 1-3 Trinity Street and 36
East Street. Today it seems to have lost its Trinity Street
affiliation.The Lord Nelson public house is on the extreme

The shop in the 1920s, from a postcard in the Robert Palmer
Click the picture to enlarge.
Click the picture to enlarge.

Envelope for small items of jewellery etc.
Image courtesy of
Diane Miller

Product label found inside the envelope above
Image courtesy of
Diane Miller

Advertisement in the programme
for the 1922 Southwold Shopping Week

Southwold Tourist Guide
circa 1925
Courtesy of Heather Osmer

Advertisement in Southwold Magazine1960.
Reproduced courtesy of David Wright
Click the image to enlarge

George Howard, Gentlemen's outfitter, photographed in the mid 1980s.
Reproduced from 'To the Town' by kind permission of Stephen Wolfenden
Click the picture to enlarge